AEA Limited

"For Africans by Africans"
AEA is a trading arm of TransCentury PLC providing innovative solutions for Africa with a proven track record running over five-decades. The company was initially established primarily with a focus on the supply, manufacture and maintenance of industrial and domestic weighing equipment but over the years, AEA Limited has since diversified into construction of infrastructure projects and provision of solutions that enhance infrastructure efficiencies and sustainability.
The Company is structured into 3 key divisions:
1. Trading & Industrial Supplies Division
Provides clients with solutions in weighing (retail & industrial), Energy, software, after sale service, agriculture and industrial solutions.
2. Operations Division
Operations and maintenance division provides our clients an understanding of planning techniques and methods, organization and management of procurement, production, selling and distribution processes as well as service provision, quality management, projects, resources, leasing/rentals, operations improvement, operations strategies and innovations.
3. Construction Division
AEA Construction provides EPC and turnkey approach to Engineering, Construction and Logistics in Africa. Key operating divisions include Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Logistics, Cranage & Erection.