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  • TransCentury PLC Launches Technical Training Program
    Fundi Bora Club

    Our power division through EAC launched the Fundi Bora club in 2011 with the objective of reaching out to electricians, electrical contractors and electrical traders in Kenya to provide training courses to enhance their knowledge on the products under EAC banner. In addition the club is aimed at refreshing members on new technologies and providing a pool from which East African Cables customers can get qualified technicians for their projects. 

    Fundi Bora Club has over 1,000 qualified and licensed technicians in this field. The membership to the Fundi Bora Club is free and is open to all licensed and certified electricians. In addition to training, club members have the opportunity to visit the East African Cables plants to see the products in production and the quality control systems. Members enjoy discounts on selected products especially those dealing in project business. Members are also provided with an identification badge that allows them to be picked out by customers as accredited EAC electricians which is a great boost to their businesses.
    Fundi Bora Club aims at encouraging its members to use original products under the TCL Power umbrella through the approved distribution network, in addition to supporting them with technical knowhow and business skills to better their performance.
    East African Cables looks forward to extending the membership to other countries in East and Central Africa, where they have presence.
    For more information on this program, please contact Phyllis Njeri on