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    In executing our business, are guided by a set of principles that are designed to help us move forward in a defined strategic direction as a Group.


    To be the premier investment partner in Africa


    Improving lives in Africa through investment in infrastructure products, projects, and services.


     Core Values

    Entrepreneurial: TransCentury ethos are built on the foundation of an entrepreneurial spirit, the art of seeing opportunity where no one else can; the audacity to try one more time; and where drive supersedes the challenges. It is the spirit that has seen us weather many storms and transform businesses to regional giants. It is what drives us to commit to forward thinking. We are professional in all our dealings and believe in the power of sheer hard work.

    Pioneering: For the last 20 years, TransCentury’s journey has been characterised by many firsts, which include the first indigenous investment Group to mobilise capital from local individuals and deploy the same to funding large-scale businesses; and the first Group in the region to focus purely on investments in infrastructure, especially providing solutions for the entire infrastructure value chain. We are not afraid to charter a new path. We are pioneering in nature, passionate, daring, innovative and always marching forward.

    Innovative: At TransCentury, creating value is our main goal. We are a house of new ideas, methods, and systems, focused on enabling our customers to succeed as we impact Africa.

    Collaborative: We have come this far on the wheels of collaboration. We recognise we cannot travel alone and need partners. We are a team. We value each other, and we leverage on our collective genius to succeed.